Monday, April 5, 2010

STS-131 Launch

This morning the sun came up twice.
The STS-131 Discovery launch has to be one
of the best I've seen.
The sky was crystal clear.
The sun was still over the horizon.
The temperature was perfect.
When the launch occured it was truly like
a sunrise.
When the sound wave came across the lagoon
the acoustics were magnified. The wave rattled
my windows for at least 10-15 seconds. It was
like an explosion you didn't think was gonna stop.
At a certain altitude sunlight intersected the con trail.
When the shuttle reached the top of the atmosphere
the con trail left a patch of ice crystals that were
intensely bright. It ended as the shuttle headed
down range to the east as Venus rose in the west.
As it's trajectory had a retrograde affect heading east
the gases coming off the shuttle developed a tail like a
comet. It was phenomenal.
Then the sun rose again.
Here's a very amature fuzzy picture that I took.

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