Sunday, January 31, 2010

It's Sunday and The Wind Is a Blowin

Fish Stories

Lots of fishing goin on around here.
The lagoon, Indian River, St. Johns River
and of course, all the lakes.
But, today it's really windy and 53 degrees.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Battle Brewing Over Obama Plan For NASA

I understand that 7000 employees will loose there jobs
when the Shuttle stops flying. For every one of those jobs
lost, 2 other support and community jobs will be
lost in the area. That's 21000 jobs. There's a tidal wave of job
lose coming this way.
Maybe some of them can pick up some of those 23000 jobs that
are suppose to be created for that high speed rail system.
When you think about it, here's a situation where all these people
are going from building a vehicle that goes 17,000 miles per hour
to a vehicle (train) that goes 180 miles per hour.
Now some may say this is an apple and oranges problem.
I think it's taking a step back to the stone age...
But that's just my opinion. We all have one..........

Gemini Memorial In Titusville

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Tonights sunset it exactly like yesterdays sunset except for one thing.
THE DOLPHINS ARE BACK !!! which means the fish are back !!
That's pretty quick after the big freeze 2 weeks ago.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The New Bridge on Garden St. (406)

The new bridge that goes over to the Cape (NASA)
and Canaveral Sea Shores (Playalynda) is being built at a
pretty good pace.

Morning on The Lagoon

It's about 60 degrees this morning. Nice for a walk.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Morning Storms

These pictures are looking south east across the Cape at 8:05 am.

These pictures are looking south to Merrit Island and Cocoa 8:05 am.

These pictures are looking east toward the VAB 8:05 am.

These pictures are looking north toward the Garden St. bridge
under construction in north Titusville at 8:00 am.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Titusville Home Page

A Titusville information site.

Storms with Tornados moving out to the Atlantic

Looking north toward Edgewater, South Daytona,
Ormand by The Sea, are storm cells with tornado
warnings moving out to sea at 5:30 pm

A calmer morning on the Lagoon one year ago

A picture for Barbara,
Today it's a windy day on the Lagoon.
Winds are from the west. A storm is a comming.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Insanity Of It All

I'm working on another blog called Insanity of it all.
It connects to articles that reflect all the things going on
in our little world of science and technology.
Besides, I like trying to understand insane.
I'm not even sure I'll know when I get there.
Maybe that's the point...........

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Warming up on the Lagoon

I've been emailing back and forth with an old friend in PA.
Here are some pictures to warm you up Randy.
A few pictures over the past year on the Lagoon. (above)

Todays pictures of a bright sunny day. (below)
First picture, as you can see, NASA is building a new tower just north of the VAB.
Second picture, you can see the bottom of the lagoon.